Sunday, January 25, 2009


While I usually talk about avoiding being a victim, I think it worth while to explore the aspect of living single.

I hear much about people who are lonely and wanting to be in a relationship. However, are you ready for a new relationship if you have recently become 'single' and unattached? Give yourself a break. Relationships can be difficult and time consuming.

It is important to analyze what went wrong with the last one. What was your part in the breakup? Nothing you say? Think again. These areas of your personality need to be polished and made acceptable to a partner.

Perhaps you just made a poor choice in your partner. Make a list of negotiable and non-negotiable traits that you will accept in another person. Then make a list of areas where you could improve yourself.

And then don't go looking for that ideal partner. Instead, go about enjoying your personal space for a while. The freedom it gives you, and the fact that you can do what you want without regard to being responsible for some one else's time frames, wants and needs should empower you. In other words, just take care of yourself.

Take some classes or go to that museum you have long wanted to visit. There are many opportunities available to someone who wishes to broaden their knowledge base, or even just enjoy doing something in which their previous partner would not participate.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog tour

anthology, Forever Friends,Shelagh Watkins is a contributing author, the compiler, editor and publisher of the anthology "Forever Friends". She is being hosted as guest blogger on quite a few of our blogs, and answering questions as well as explaining the book.

Please follow the tour to learn more about the book. If the date has passed, you can still find her on the following blogs:

Blog Tour
December 1 Chelle Cordero
December 2 Zada Connaway
December 3 Mary Muhammad
December 4 Helen Wisocki
December 5 Pam Robertson
December 6 Dick Stodghill
December 7 Philip Spires
December 8 Grace Bridges
December 9 L. Sue Durkin
December 10 A. Ahad
December 11 Malcolm R. Campbell
December 12 Lynn C. Johnston
December 13 Dianne Sagan
December 14 Donald James Parker
December 15 Karina Kantas
December 16 Milena Gomez
December 17 Tiziana Rinaldi Castro
December 18 Yvonne Oots

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Happy Veterans Day to all the veterans out there!

This is the day to honor all our veterans who have served in any capacity.

So if there is a veteran in your family, do something special for them today.

Veterans give up much in order to serve their country. Some give up physical mobility and some give up family. Many come home maimed and damaged in other ways. To these men and women we owe much, but seldom recognize their sacrifices.

Those who serve and stay home give up the normal family life that most enjoy. Their lives are disrupted, and often it tears the family apart.

These men and women guarded our shores whether here, abroad, in time of war or time of peace. To one and all I say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR COUNTRY.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Why do they stay?

Women who are in abusive situations stay there for a variety of reasons. They are unable to support themselves (they think) and have no where to go, they have no support system, they blame themselves, they feel all alone, they think they can change him.

Today there are many places to turn, and it is often shame that keeps a woman in an abusive relationship. But there is also the possibility that she feels rewarded somehow by putting up with the abuse. He brings her flowers and other gifts after and episode. This is rare in my experience, but does happen. The woman must come to realize that the 'gifts' are just his way of smoothing the waters and easing his conscience.

Most often, she has done nothing to displease him except be there. Perhaps he had a bad day at work. But that was not her fault, and him punishing her for his problems is ludicrous. However, the woman must come to the conclusion that she does not deserve this abuse on her own. Friends can help by pointing thisout, or asking pertinent questions.

When a woman comes to the point of leaving she will need all the support she can get from friends and family. In extreme cases, there are shelters for battered women. They can be encouraged to seek any and all assistance available. Sometimes they are not aware of all the help that is available. Friends can be the resource that points her in the right direction.